Sunday, December 29, 2019

Comparing Hamlet And The Duchess Of Malfi - 2373 Words

Compare the depictions of Madness in Hamlet and The Duchess of Malfi. What is the significance of madness in each play? During the late sixteenth century, dramas an plays became a big role in entertainment and madness became one of the major themes, as Salkeld recognises that the use of madness as a metaphor for subversion became increasingly marked throughout the first half of the seventeenth century . (Salkeld, 1994, pg.144)This madness created a spark within the Elizabethan era and caused social disorder and political disorder. However this madness became the main source of attraction in many dramas and plays. Shakespeare s Hamlet and Webster s The Duchess of Malfi are both plays about revenge.This essay examines in detail the concept of madness in Hamlet by William Shakespeare and The Duchess of Malfi by John Webster. I plan on paying particular attention to the characters Hamlet and Bosola. I chose to concentrate on Bosola because I believe he has the same characteristic as of a mad man, and specifically Hamlet. I will analyse their mental stability and ambiguity in the plays and find ou t what significance they have in the storyline. Shakespeare s tragedy is based on the issue of real madness versus pretend madness. Throughout the play, Hamlet has never clearly portrayed himself to be actually mad, as his madness started out as pretence. However, from his actions, his pretend madness was thought of being his real madness. It is as Lavender says,

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Alcoholism And Its Effects On Society - 1655 Words

Many different things can affect one s life, such as divorce, death, or a loss of job. One of the most obvious isn t very obvious to the everyday eye anymore. Alcoholism is a problem in most lives, but is usually pushed aside and the other problems in life are blamed. There are many examples of this tragedy in our lives. Alcoholism doesn t just affect the abusser s life, but can affect the lives of his loved ones. Alcoholism affects his health and privlages that he uses in everyday life. According to the National Health interview survey, more than 50% of the population aged 18 or older uses alcohol as a stimulant/ depressent. ( People drink for different reasons, some being depression and others binge†¦show more content†¦This is usually called Alcohol Dependence. 15% of Americans are problem drinkers, 5% to 10% male, and 3% to 5% female, and could be diagnosed as alcohol dependent according to the National Institutes of Health.(www.medicalnewstoda Alcoholism or alcohol dependence is defined by the American Medical Assosiation (AMA) as a primary chronic desease with genetic, physchosial, and eviromental factors influencing its developement,, and manifestations. Some of these symptoms are anxiety or jumpyness, shaking or trembling, sweating, nasuea or vomiting, insomnia, depression, irritability, fatigue, loss of appetite, and headaches. Those most vunerable to problem drinking are between the ages 18-29, least susceptible are 65 and older.( Heavy drinking can cause Anemia, where the number of oxygen carrying red blood cells will be abnormally low. With all of the health risks of alcohol, it is still being consumed for fun or entertainment. In reality people don t realize all the health risks. Another disease is Cardiovascular Disease, when heavy drinking causes blood clots. The most serious disease caused by alcoholism is death.Nearly 88,0007 people (approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women8) die from alc ohol related causes annually, making it the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States. In 2012, alcohol-impaired-driving fatalities accounted for 10,322 deaths (31

Friday, December 13, 2019

Hyperactivity Disorder as a disorder experienced Free Essays

Russell Barkley (1995) defines Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder as a disorder experienced in the developmental stage of children which is manifested by signs such as attention problems, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. It is a real disorder and a real problem and often results to negative implications. It can cause emotional difficulties too on the part of the parent. We will write a custom essay sample on Hyperactivity Disorder as a disorder experienced or any similar topic only for you Order Now Attention Deficit Disorder is a hidden disability as there are no outward signs that there is something physically wrong with the central nervous system or brain except for the series of behavioral changes (as cited in the About Website, 2006) . It is a real childhood illness that affect the way children act, think, and feel. Several explanations of the factors that led to the development of this disorder have been offered. The genetic aspect bears one. As cited in the report by the National Health and Medical Research Council Government of Australia (2000), people with this disorder underwent cases of mutations in their dopamine transporter genes (Cook, Stein, Krakowski et al 1995) or receptor genes (D4 receptor gene à · Ebstein, Novick, Umansky et al. 1996). Also in this report, congenital factors may also play a role in the development of ADHD. Maternal substance abuse such as the use of nicotine, cocaine may induce symptoms related to ADHD (Nichols and Chen 1981). The strength of genetic influence on ADHD is confounded in these evidences from previous studies taking into account environmental influences as written through a personal communication by Dr. Galves et al (2003) as they explain that the findings on how genes can affect the development of ADHD is strengthened by the fact that through the direct synthesis of proteins — stress, trauma, and lack of parental responsiveness can alter the correct processes of this. This process of protein synthesis is far more complicated than the common knowledge on this as purveyed by the media. Simply stated, the process of gene transcription can be influenced by external factors mentioned above. Attention disorders also run in families, so there are likely to be genetic influences. On some previous studies on children, 25% of the close relatives of these children with ADHD also have the same disorder. Studies of twins even strengthen the positive relationship between genes and ADHD. The relationship between the parent and child temperament is also an important thing to look at in analyzing the factors that may contribute to the development of this disorder. However, Dr. Galves et. al (2003). maintain that genetic factors are not the major influences of ADHD as they cite the study of Lewis, Amini, and Lannon (2000) for this argument: â€Å"The process of genetic information sets down the brain’s basic macro and microanatomy. But experiences also play a vital role here. It narrows down the macro possibilities into an outcome. Experience then can induce or deter genetic capacities. Infant-parent interaction affects the neurodevelopment of the baby in his primal years. Parents mold the child’s inherited emotional brain into the neural core of the self. In conclusion, Genes and experience contribute to the make-up of child’s neural core†. How to cite Hyperactivity Disorder as a disorder experienced, Papers